Friday, February 8, 2008

The speed of life

I am so easily distracted lately. I have a hard time sitting through a movie and I yawn through every story I read the girls. I think there's just so much going ON that in order to move forward my brain does a disconnect.
Last Thursday Patrik and I took the girls to the South Florida Fair. And despite the fact that I had a stomach ache, we had a grand time. This is the second time Emma, 3, has been but the first time she was old enough to do anything. The first thing we did is all pile on the ferris wheel and boy oh boy was that something! After that all she wanted to do was ride the rides...this can get pricey. So we distracted her with the alligator show.
She didn't move through the entire show. She sat on my lap and kept whispering in my ear, "That man has to be careful. Alligator will bite him..." God, she is so endearing. When we left she announced that the alligator show was the best part. A future environmentalist, maybe? Or maybe just a nutty chick that runs an alligator farm...time will tell.
Julia ,5, rode those swings. You know the ones that go in a circle and fly waaay out...I couldn't even watch her, I was so nervous for her. But she's so brave...she got off, informed me she wasn't going on THAT ride ever again, and moved on to the roller coaster.
Laura, 7, will do almost anything once and LOVED going down the big slide with her dad. They did it a couple of times. And she also has no problem going on the kiddie rides with Emma...she is the mother hen of the 3.
We spent $18 on 3 hot dogs and 3 small sodas, another $130 on admission and rides and a big thing of cotton candy. The hell with the budget. This is once a year. We never do anything together because Patrik and I work seperate schedules so we don't have to put Emma in day care. I never second guess spending money on family time. It is too precious and too rare. In October we are going to Disney World and we're staying at the Nick hotel. I cannot praise the hotel enough...the pools alone are worth the cost. And running into Blue or Spongebob in the hall on your way to lunch?..priceless. So I won't give money a second thought there either. We lay out what we can afford and if we go over we sweat it LATER. Because life is short and so is childhood.
I can't keep up with everyday. This morning I fed 3 faces, packed two lunches and a snack for Julia's class trip to the zoo, and hopped on here with my cappuccino at my side to leave my mark. I may fall behind in the day to day, but for family time I slow down. I virtually stop...because I don't want to miss it.


Susan said...

OMG! I am so glad I was not there to witness the swing ride. I would have had a nervous breakdown!

Leslie said...

It was bad. I felt a little sick knowing she was stuck up there until the ride was over....what a trouper.