Monday, February 2, 2009

Ode to Julia

I have mentioned before that I was worried Julia would find Laura a tough act to follow, and that she has proven my worries uneccessary. She is a free spirited little girl with a quick snuggle and a quick and contagious laugh. When she started school she had to work for every grade and met the challenge even when she didn't want to. Her teacher called on Friday night and like every mom who gets a call from a teacher at home, my stomach dropped. I warily answered and was greeted by this: "I just wanted to call you to sing Julia's praises!" Hooray for you, Julia! Her teacher went on to tell me that she is SO proud of Julia, that Julia had come so far from the little girl we seriously considered giving another year in Kindergarten for fear of struggle. She proved us all wrong again. She deserves all the praise- the work has been her own. So here's to you, Julia Maria. You, darling girl, are simply a superstar! GOOD JOB!!!! I am busting with pride!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hooray, Hooray for sweet Julia! She did seem to have quite an adjustment to make when she started school and I was concerned also. Not too long ago they told you she might be dyslexic. Wrong! She just had a hard time for awhile. Julia is a real sweetheart and I am so happy that she is now getting praises. She is very special. They all are special little girls. All so different from each other.