Wednesday, November 26, 2008

On being thankful

There are Christmas decorations that have been up for more than a week now. There are Christmas movies on tv, and Christmas carols on the radio. I know why, I understand the desperation of this economy. But in innundating us so early with all of these things that I actually love about Christmas, Thanksgiving is getting overshadowed. And Thanksgiving deserves its own limelight. A day of the year to focus on all that we have that causes gratitude in life...what a glorious thing.

It's a small world...and we are all in this together.

I am generally a thankful person. When I hear of the difficulties of others my mantra remains, "There but for the grace of God go I.". I have had my share of tough times but have always had someone standing by me thru them. And I've always been lucky enough to come thru these times stronger, better even, than before. I know that it could just as easily be me with the lost job, the foreclosed home, the sick child. And that I am enjoying a life barren of these things makes me humbly grateful.
I am thankful to have these glorious, crazy kids. The lot of them define the very essence of who I am and dictate many of the choices I make in life. They are such a huge part of who I am that my self melds with their existence. And that's okay with me. A life with five blessings is something that brings me naked joy.

I am thankful that Joe makes me laugh, that he gets me like no one else ever could. I always think -" when I grow up I want to be just like him". And I know if I ever needed anything, he would be there, no questions asked, as he has before. I hope and pray he knows the same stands for him...he is my champion and always has been.

I am thankful that Mark has come to a clearer path in life. He has worked so hard to pull free and find who he is and that makes him a hero in my eyes. I hope he realizes that he is never alone and that all he needs to do is call and I will listen -that how he feels is important to me and that the girls adore him.
I am thankful for mom in more ways than I could ever express in the written word. She is the epitome of gentle strength and I often wish I was more like her. There has never been a time in my life that I have doubted her love and support and I think that is such a huge thing- to be confident in a parent's love. My kids revere her...they couldn't ask for a more wonderful Gram, and they too have been blessed knowing that she is always on their side. That her love for them is uncompromisable. Thank you, Mom. We love you so.

My best friend Kerri has seen me thru the major ups and downs of life. She and I don't ever see enough of each other, are guilty of letting life get in the way, but when we come together it is such a comfort that we simply pick up where we left off, no awkwardness or doubt. Our friendship is a bright, simple thing and it brings me happiness. It is so good, having someone that doesn't mind the silences, that in fact sees them as a strength. And her family is my family. Period.

I have these girls at work that have taken me under their wings and made me laugh and seen me cry and shore me up. I know how rare that is, co-workers you can honestly call friends. And I am thankful for them.

I have a job that is both heartbreaking and fulfilling, if that's possible. I am honored to care for families that are going thru the toughest of times and if my presence brings even a moments peace to a heavy heart, then I am doing my job well and the hard stuff is worth it.

Every now and then Patrik looks across the room at me with eyes that seem to be seeing me for the first time. I don't know how he does that after nearly 10 years of marriage and bunches of kids and chores and LIFE, but it reminds me that every now and then fate works just the right way and you actually do end up with the prince you were searching for all your life.

I am thankful to have had dad for 31 years. It was not long enough by far and I still miss him, will always miss him. It still catches me at odd moments the FIERCENESS of his loss in my heart. But my memories are strong and bright, a light so startling I nearly have to avert my eyes from it. And I carry him with me, still.

It is fitting that in this difficult world I take the time to count my blessings. Remembering those things that bring you joy is life affirming and a reminder of what is truly important: family, friends, work that inspires you, comfort, memories.

And if you are reading this, I am thankful for you. I hope you carry that with you like a tiny glowing star, and when times are tough, pull it out and hold it to your heart.

You are loved.


Susan said...

What can I say to this? You write so well from your heart, I do not have that gift. Just know how grateful I am for you, for all of you. Your life has been bumpy at times but it is true that you have come out stronger and wiser! You are someone who seems to understand all of our quirks but loves us anyway. I am very, very proud of you Leslie and love you very, very much.

Anonymous said...

Leslie your words are so touching and straight from the heart. People like you are the ones who make the difference. You are truly beautiful in every way! Love you sis!